As International Women’s Day (IWD) is just around the corner, we need to get ready. Time to recognize the progress we’ve made towards gender equality and honor the achievements of women globally and in the workplace!


here Kits by Food Craft, We believe in building an inclusive and fun workplace culture, and what better way to do that than with some fun and engaging icebreaker questions? Although, let’s be honest, sometimes starting a conversation can feel a little…awkward.

No fear! Here’s what we’ve got to help break the ice and spark fun, meaningful conversations at this IWD: Icebreakers! 🧊🧊🧊

These conversation starters are a great way to connect with your peers, celebrate different experiences, and learn from each other. Whether you’re in one office or a remote team scattered around the world, icebreakers can help build stronger connections and create a more inclusive and supportive work environment. Think of it as a reminder that sometimes, All it takes is one simple question to start meaningful conversations and build lasting bonds.

So the normal bass “What did you do this weekend?” Do the routine and get ready to connect, celebrate and get to know your team!


1. Motivated Women:

  • Who is a woman who inspires you and why?

This question allows everyone to share their personal heroes, highlighting various role models and leaders who have shaped their journey.

  • Think of a fictional female character that resonates with you. What qualities do you admire?

This question boils down to the power of representation, and the qualities that individuals find empowering in female characters.

  • What do you admire about the women you work with?

Celebrating the strengths and contributions of colleagues fosters a culture of positivity and mutual respect in the workplace.

2. Celebrate achievements:

  • What is a personal or professional achievement you are particularly proud of, and how did it shape you?

This question allows space to celebrate individual victories and acknowledge the challenges to achieving them.

  • Think of a woman in history who made a significant contribution to your field. What is their story, and how does it inspire you?

This question raises awareness for the historical contributions of women and their influence on various industries and fields.

  • Share a story about a woman who has influenced your career journey.

Personal experiences create connections and foster a sense of community by highlighting the diverse experiences that shape our path.

3. Bridge construction:

  • What’s one thing you wish more people knew about the experience of women in the workplace?

This question opens up a safe space for honest discussion and helps people understand different perspectives.

  • Imagine a world where gender equality thrives. What would it look like for you at work?

It sparks creative thinking and encourages the team to envision a more inclusive future.

  • What is a book or movie featuring a strong female lead that you would recommend?

Sharing recommendations opens the door to new perspectives and celebrates diverse portrayals of women in media and literature.

4. Fun and Games:

  • If you could have a virtual coffee date with any historical or fictional woman, who would it be and why?

This light-hearted question adds a playful element while celebrating influential women.

  • IWD Word Scramble Give each group a list of words related to women’s empowerment and ask them to unscramble them within a certain period of time. Finally the first team to win!

This activity adds a competitive element while encouraging teamwork and promoting original ideas.

Remember that these are just a few starting points! Feel free to modify these questions or come up with your own based on the specific interests of your group. The most important thing is to create a safe and comfortable space for open conversation and celebration.

Want more tips for creating joy and connection at work?

We’re all about building strong communities, and we’ll be sharing more icebreakers and ideas throughout the year.

We are at Kit by Food Craft Proud to be one AAPI woman-owned business with a team that is mostly women. We are passionate about building strong communities and fostering connections, both within our team and in the workplace as a whole.

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